Price: $22
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Sharon A. Warren, M.A. Author
Hardcover - 230 pages, includes a set of rare-earth magnets with each book
Are you excited to MAGNETIZE YOUR HEART'S DESIRES easily and joyfully? This book will forever change the way you create your reality, attract your grandest dreams and manifest your highest outcomes by providing:

Price: $9.95
*Click on image to enlarge |
Sharon A. Warren, M.A. (Audio CD) ISBN-10: 0967499003
In this 60 minute live interview, you'll discover fun tools to use for The Law of Attraction In Action© to magnetize your heart s desires: * What vibrating on purpose means * The four steps of Deliberate Creation * How to use contrast (challenges) for your highest outcomes *What magic and miracles really are *Simple tools to attract your heart s desires with personal life examples. Heather also unwraps asks questions where Sharon reveals: * How your consciousness is like electricity * How you often step on your own hose in your daily life * Tools to consistently stay connected to your Stream of Well Being * Turning impossible into I'm possible strategies
About the Author
Sharon Warren, M.A., author of the top ranking book, Magnetizing Your Heart’s Desire, discusses the Law of Attraction In Action© with Success Unwrapped talk show host, Heather Vale, a seasoned broadcast journalist, who has interviewed notables from the wildly popular The Secret DVD such as Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Dr. John Demartini, and Mike Dooley; as well as acclaimed authors, Randy Gage and Mark Joyner and many others.
Price: $7
MAGNETS Connected |
*Click on image to enlarge |
1/4 " dia. x 1"H, nickel-plated: rare earth magnets